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I. Reading Services 

  1. Personal library card application, group library card application, borrowing and return books (including audio-visual materials and back-issue periodicals) and internal reading services of other various materials. For the application of group library cards please download, fill out and print this application and mail it to Ms. Zhong at the Library Information Division of the Hsin-Chu City Department of Culture, also include a return envelope (please make sure you fill out the return address correctly on the envelope), or you can bring in the application in person to the open shelve reading room on the first floor of the Department of Culture.

  2. Please refer to the terms of use for the checking out of books, returning of books, reserving of books and inter-library transferring of books.

II. Reference Consultation Services

        We provide reference consultation and library use guidance services.

III. Audio-Visual Services

       Each of the branch libraries provide in-library use and check out of audio-visual materials as well as the viewing of videos.

IV. Inter-Branch Services 

  1. Hsinchu Municipal Public Library Inter-Library Book Transfer Services:

(1) Only available for normal books with a status of “at the library” (does not include children’s books, periodicals or audio-visual materials).

(2)Each library card is limited to 4 books, and only those with an email address may use this service.

(3) Before the book is delivered the transfer can be canceled online. If there are over three occurrences of being late in picking up transferred books within a six month period the book transfer rights of the library card are suspended for thirty days.

(4)If the reader comes into the library themselves to pick up the transferred book they are given first priority to check the book out. 


   2. Hsinchu Municipal Public Library Inter-Library Book Transfer Services:

      The materials checked out from each branch library can be returned to other branches (does not include children’s books, periodicals or audio-visual materials)

   3. Returning or copying materials from non-Hsinchu Municipal Public Libraries (paid service):

 Readers apply with other libraries to copy or borrow books, the fees associated with sending the books must be paid for by the reader. Readers who wish to use these services should fill out a form and give it to Ms. Zhong at the Information Division of the Hsinchu City Department of Culture.

 V. Internet Information Services 

  1. For the convenience of searching for information the library is equipped with wireless internet and computer equipment for the use of the public.

  2. We provide various types of databases, internet recourses, e-books and other digital resources that can be searched and browsed.

  3. You will need a library card to use the internet at the library; In principal use of the computers is limited to one hour at a time (each individual branch library may decide on their time limit), only if there are no other users waiting to use the computer may you continue to use it after one hour.

  4. As the library is a public place, it is strictly prohibited to visit inappropriate websites while using the library’s computers. Library employees can order the reader to close the web page or stop use of the computer upon discovery of such behavior.

  5. The printing of information is limited to black and white printing on normal A4 paper provided by the library. A fee of 2NT per page is required. 

VI. Event Promotion 

  1. Themed Book Exhibits: Every month we choose a different theme for a display in the open-shelf reading area on the first floor, other areas of the library also will have their own exhibits for different themes or to display new materials.

  2. Picture Book Story Time: Each branch library holds story telling events each weekend, and at some branches the children can receive prizes for trading in the points they receive for attending the events.

  3. Video Viewing: Quality videos are chosen to be displayed on holidays in the third floor auditorium.

  4. Other: Tours by appointment, “Everyone Act Out the Story Together”, cross country book exchange, Bookstart, “once city, one book”, diverse reading seminars and information learning, etc.  

VII. Self-Study Services 

          Each branch library provides a self-study area. This recourse should be shared with others, please do not save seats. 

VIII. Community Participation 

1.Library Volunteers:

 Serve in the different areas of the library, help with the operations of the library. Help with putting library materials on the shelves, processing work, maintaining order and answering the questions of readers. As a member of the Hsinchu City Department of Culture Volunteer Team, volunteers should know and follow the rules of the “Hsinchu City Department of Culture Volunteer Team” handbook.

2. Story Gardener:

 In order to continue the story telling tradition and promote the habit of reading every year we accept volunteers who are interested in story-telling and are willing to serve at the Hsinchu Municipal Public Library to receive training. Each trainee must volunteer to provide story-telling services at the branch libraries at the time appointed. Volunteers also participate in acting performances and help to lead reading events. Volunteers must serve for 20 or more hours during their first year of service.


 In order to give students the opportunity to participate in community service we give middle and high school students the opportunity to serve as a volunteer for up to six hours every semester.

  • Visitor:217


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